Have been neglecting amusing cat stories in favour of serious stuff about food and restaurants and supermarkets and food festivals etc...poor Delia is feeling left out as I did promise some of the blog would be about her, and well, she likes the limelight. So here you go, comical anecdotes accompanied by cute pictures to cheer you up on this windy November day.
Firstly, since my last kitty update, Delia has had The Operation to remove any chance of her coming home pregnant. (Any parent's nightmare!) We took her in first thing in the morning (there was a tear in my eye as I shut the door on her scared little face in a cage) and went to get her later, after I'd interrogated the vet on chance of death etc. Vet warned us she may be a bit groggy and sleepy. Not Delia. The moment we got her home, she was running around, getting into mischief and generally acting like she was on crack. Got to take the mick out of her for a bit though because a massive bit of her fur was shaved off- it still hasn't completely grown back now. She looked ever so silly.
Anyway, a few days later, she was allowed outside. I love watching her play outside. She chases flies, hides in the hedge, nibbles on leaves and runs for cover every time a car goes past. I'm glad she's scared of cars. Not like my old cat who used to sit in the middle of the road for fun. Yes, he got run over. Survived luckily, but it still hasn't made him realise that cars can kill. Delia is much more of a wimp and for that I am thankful. She won her first fight the other day though! One of the fat fluffy cats from across the road dared to try and set foot in our garden; there was a loud yowl and I looked out of the window to see Delia sitting triumphantly at the gate whilst Fat Cat No1 From Across The Road ran away looking terrified.
In other news, Delia has been wrecking our house. She broke the window blind which meant we had to buy a step ladder so that every day we could take the blind off the window and put it back on. Here she is climbing the ladder. We have a new blind now. I give her a week before she destroys it.
I also cannot remember the last time I had a good night's sleep, because the beastie has decided that the ONLY place she wants to hang out between the hours of 10pm and 7am is our bedroom. She's either in the bed (purring, taking up all the room), in the wardrobe (leaving her little hairs all over my clothes) or chasing things around the floor extremely noisily. Oh and a couple of times she has been hanging out in the chest of drawers:
Dinner times have also become a nightmare- she gets up on the table, sniffing our plates, chasing bits of food around the floor and howling loudly if we dare to lock her out so we can enjoy the meal in peace. The other day she would only leave my dinner alone if I gave her something to eat. We had spicy fish (not for cats, although I would like to see what would happen if she ate madras paste!) and potato wedges, so I gave her a bit of potato. She liked it. She also likes to steal salad leaves off our plates and run away with them. Here she is on the table "helping" me make breakfast:
The cold weather means that the heating is on during the day now. Delia's favourite place to sleep used to be on top of an old rucksack (no I cant explain why she chose that over the lovely soft warm cat bed that we bought for her either!)....
....but now she prefers stretching out next to the radiator (on the broken blind). Snoring away and looking adorable. She likes the fireplace too but hasn't quite yet learned that flames are dangerous and can burn whiskers. I think I might have to invest in a fireguard.
Finally, here's a (blurry) picture of her in a bag! She climbed in, so we carried her around the house. Maybe a little mean, but she is such a spoilt little brat at times, she needs to learn that me and D are the bosses! And there is nothing like being carried in a bag to strip away a little bit of dignity.
Hope everyone has a lovely weekend!
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